The Default Interface


When opening a new project for the first time, you will see the Default Layout.

This layout provides the most common windows used and in a configuration good for smaller screens. Additional windows can be added through the Window menu in the taskbar.

The windows of the default layout are as follows:

Hierarchy Window

This window shows a text list of game objects within your scene.

pageHierarchy Window

Scene Window

This window shows your scene overall. You can move around game objects and change your view.

pageScene Window

Project Window

This window shows the files and folders in the Assets folder of your project and is where all of your assets (materials, scripts, sounds, prefabs, etc.) can be accessed.

pageProject Window

Inspector Window

One of the most important windows, the Inspector shows all the components and properties of a selected game object or asset.

pageInspector Window

Game Window (hidden by default)

This window shows what the player sees through one of the cameras in the scene.

pageGame Window

Console Window (hidden by default)

This window provides helpful feedback such as errors, warnings, and other messages.

pageConsole Window

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