Creating Arrays

Creating Arrays

Create arrays similarly to variables, but with a little extra.

Two ways in Processing…

  1. Using the new keyword and square brackets [ ]

  2. Using square [ ] and curly { } brackets

Method 1: The new Keyword

The new keyword is used to tell the program there will be a new specific type of data .

Square brackets [ ] are placed right after the data type for all the elements of an array .

The number of elements (if known) should be listed within the type following the new keyword .

Then, assign each element individually.



// Shopping list with 5 elements (slots)
String[] shoppingList = new String[5];

// Ages of 8 people (slots for 8 ages)
int[] ages = new int[8];

// List of 3 random numbers (slots for them)
float[] randNums = new float[3];

Method 2: Using Brackets and Initial Values

Arrays can be created with initial values listed all at once within curly brackets { } .

Square brackets [ ] are placed right after the data type for all the elements of an array to signify it as an array.



// Shopping list with 5 elements (slots)
String[] shoppingList = { "milk", "bread", "eggs", "bottled water", "soda" };

// Ages of 8 people (slots for 8 ages)
int[] ages = { 12, 31, 7, 80, 45, 50, 51, 50 };

// List of 3 random numbers (slots for them)
float[] randNums = { random(0, 5), random(0, 5), random(0, 5) };

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