Week 5-C Using User Input to Create Arrays

The steps below walk you through continuing the Processing activity we did during Week 5. All code should allow you to copy and paste.

Starting Code

Continuing the code from Week 5-B:

String[] pets = { "dog", "igauna", "hamster", "parrot", "goldfish" };
float y = 50;
float spacing = 25;

void setup() {
  // Creates a canvas 600 pixels by 600 pixels
  size(600, 600);

void draw() {
  background(0);      // Black
  fill(247, 231, 206);      // Champagne color
  noStroke();      // No outline color
  // Sets a size for the text
  for (int i = 0; i < pets.length; i++) {
    text(pets[i], 50, y);
    y += spacing;
  y = 50;

Step 1: Clear the Array

String[] pets = {  }; 

Step 2: Visual Feedback of Input

The user needs to see what they are typing, otherwise it gets confusing.

Create a text area for this with a default message.

String[] pets = { };
float y = 50;
float spacing = 25;

String message = "Start typing to add a pet.";

void setup() {
  // Creates a canvas 600 pixels by 600 pixels
  size(600, 600);

void draw() {
  background(0);      // Black
  fill(247, 231, 206);      // Champagne color
  noStroke();      // No outline color
  // Sets a size for the text
  // Display a default message where the user input will appear
  text(message, 200, 300);
  // Display the array
  for (int i = 0; i < pets.length; i++) {
    text(pets[i], 50, y);
    y += spacing;
  y = 50;

Output when played:

Step 3: Update the Message

Use keyPressed() after and outside the draw() function to see when the user starts using the keyboard.

void keyPressed() {

When the user presses a button, update the message.

void keyPressed() {
  // The key presses appears as a CHAR type, but we need it to be a String
  // Use str() to turn the CHAR into a String
  message = str(key);

Output when played:

Right now, the message is updating one character at a time.

We can add to an existing message using the += operator.

void keyPressed() {
  // The key presses appears as a CHAR type, but we need it to be a String
  // Use str() to turn the CHAR into a String
  message += str(key);

Output when played:

So we can add to a message, but we need to:

  1. Say when to reset the message to blank

  2. Say when the message is finished

That can be done with if statements!

Let's make a boolean variable to say when the message is being edited.

boolean editing = false;

Once the user starts typing, if the message isn't already being edited, it needs to reset to blank.

Add an if statement to the keyPressed() function:

void keyPressed() {
  // If the message is being edited, continue adding to the message
  if (editing == true) {
    message += str(key);
  // Otherwise, reset the message, add the first letter, and turn on editing
  else {
    message = "";
    message += str(key);
    editing = true;

Output when played:

The keyPressed() function can see when the ENTER or RETURN key is pressed. This could be a good way to "submit" the message or end editing.

Instead of key, these special buttons used keyCode.

Here, both ENTER and RETURN are used so it will work on both Windows (ENTER) and Mac (RETURN).

    if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) {
        editing = false;

Full code so far:

String[] pets = { };
float y = 50;
float spacing = 25;

String message = "Start typing to add a pet.";
boolean editing = false;

void setup() {
  // Creates a canvas 600 pixels by 600 pixels
  size(600, 600);

void draw() {
  background(0);      // Black
  fill(247, 231, 206);      // Champagne color
  noStroke();      // No outline color
  // Sets a size for the text
  // Display a default message where the user input will appear
  text(message, 200, 300);
  // Display the array
  for (int i = 0; i < pets.length; i++) {
    text(pets[i], 50, y);
    y += spacing;
  y = 50;

void keyPressed() {
  // If the message is being edited, continue adding to the message
  if (editing == true) {
    message += str(key);
  // Otherwise, reset the message, add the first letter, and turn on editing
  else {
    message = "";
    message += str(key);
    editing = true;
  if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) {
    editing = false;

Output when played:

This is what it looks like when pressing ENTER or RETURN at the end of a message.

Step 4: Adding Messages to the Array

We now have the variable message to use.

It can be added to the array when ENTER or RETURN.


    if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) {
        editing = false;
        // Add the message to pets
        pets = append(pets, message);

Full code so far:

String[] pets = { };
float y = 50;
float spacing = 25;

String message = "Start typing to add a pet.";
boolean editing = false;

void setup() {
  // Creates a canvas 600 pixels by 600 pixels
  size(600, 600);

void draw() {
  background(0);      // Black
  fill(247, 231, 206);      // Champagne color
  noStroke();      // No outline color
  // Sets a size for the text
  // Display a default message where the user input will appear
  text(message, 200, 300);
  // Display the array
  for (int i = 0; i < pets.length; i++) {
    text(pets[i], 50, y);
    y += spacing;
  y = 50;

void keyPressed() {
  // If the message is being edited, continue adding to the message
  if (editing == true) {
    message += str(key);
  // Otherwise, reset the message, add the first letter, and turn on editing
  else {
    message = "";
    message += str(key);
    editing = true;
  if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) {
    editing = false;
    // Add the message to pets
    pets = append(pets, message);

Output when played:

Step 5: Polishing

Add a BACKSPACE option in case there's a mistake.

Instead of adding, the message should be the same except for the last letter. This can be done with a substring.

The length of a string value can be accessed through its length() property.

  // If the message is being edited, continue adding to the message
  if (editing == true) {
    // Backspace will only work during editing and when the message has letters
    if (keyCode == BACKSPACE && message.length() > 1) {
      message = message.substring(0, message.length() - 1);
    // Otherwise, the key is probably a letter, so add it to the message
    else {
      message += str(key);

Instead of showing the last message, the prompt message could be shown after submitting an entry to the list.


  if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) {
    editing = false;
    // Add the message to pets
    pets = append(pets, message);
    // Reset the prompt
    message = "Start typing to add a pet.";

HOWEVER, if you press ENTER or RETURN, it puts an empty entry to the array.

Fix this by moving it into the "if (editing == true)" statement and putting in as an else if statement as a second option after Backspace.

Add one more if statement to only add entries that have an actual message


void keyPressed() {
  // If the message is being edited, continue adding to the message
  if (editing == true) {
    // Backspace will only work during editing and when the message has letters
    if (keyCode == BACKSPACE && message.length() > 1) {
      message = message.substring(0, message.length() - 1);
    else if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) {
      editing = false;
      // Avoid adding blank etries
      if (message.length() > 1) {
        // Add the message to pets
        pets = append(pets, message);
      // Reset the prompt
      message = "Start typing to add a pet.";
    // Otherwise, the key is probably a letter, so add it to the message
    else {
      message += str(key);
  // Otherwise, reset the message, add the first letter, and turn on editing
  else {
    message = "";
    message += str(key);
    editing = true;

Full Code

String[] pets = { };
float y = 50;
float spacing = 25;

String message = "Start typing to add a pet.";
boolean editing = false;

void setup() {
  // Creates a canvas 600 pixels by 600 pixels
  size(600, 600);

void draw() {
  background(0);      // Black
  fill(247, 231, 206);      // Champagne color
  noStroke();      // No outline color
  // Sets a size for the text
  // Display a default message where the user input will appear
  text(message, 200, 300);
  // Display the array
  for (int i = 0; i < pets.length; i++) {
    text(pets[i], 50, y);
    y += spacing;
  y = 50;

void keyPressed() {
  // If the message is being edited, continue adding to the message
  if (editing == true) {
    // Backspace will only work during editing and when the message has letters
    if (keyCode == BACKSPACE && message.length() > 1) {
      message = message.substring(0, message.length() - 1);
    else if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) {
      editing = false;
      // Avoid adding blank etries
      if (message.length() > 1) {
        // Add the message to pets
        pets = append(pets, message);
      // Reset the prompt
      message = "Start typing to add a pet.";
    // Otherwise, the key is probably a letter, so add it to the message
    else {
      message += str(key);
  // Otherwise, reset the message, add the first letter, and turn on editing
  else {
    message = "";
    message += str(key);
    editing = true;

Output when played:

Last updated

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